Sing A Love Song To Your Number One Fan


You know what’s romantic? To sing a love song to your beloved. In fact, we guarantee that the simple act of trying will add a touch of love and romance to your partner’s day that they will appreciate. If you pull it off, even your partner will sing along with you.

A couple singing

1. Choose a Song

2. Surprise Your Partner

Once you’re ready to sing the song to your partner, find a time when they aren’t busy and, out of nowhere, start singing the song to them. While you’re singing, make sure you focus your attention on your significant other so that they feel the song is about them, which is the whole point of this romantic gesture. Also, look confident and give the impression that you’re having fun. We want your partner to find this romantic gesture fun, and encourage them to sing along or even dance with you. Don’t worry if they laugh or smile. They’re not laughing at you, but rather enjoying the moment in front of them.