Record A Romantic Message On Their Phone


This romantic gesture is so simple to perform and is so much fun to receive. It’s not a romantic gesture that’s often done within couples, so your partner will certainly be impressed by the originality of this gesture and will love you for it.

A woman listening to a recorded phone message

Why Record a Romantic Message On Their Phone?

Think of all the times you’ve been pleasantly surprised. You couldn’t help but smile, could you? That’s what you want to do by recording a romantic message on your significant other’s phone. Not only will it brighten their day, but if they have words of affirmation as their love language, it’ll make them feel loved and appreciated. What’s more, the fact that this gesture will be unexpected in their eyes will make this message of love much more authentic than if you told them the message right after they’ve done a good thing for you.

When your partner isn’t using their phone and isn’t looking, take that opportunity to open the voice recorder app on their phone and record a romantic message. Afterwards, set an alarm on their phone that will display a message at the time of your choosing that says “Check your voice recorder app. There’s a surprise for you!”. We guarantee that your significant other will love this romantic gesture.