Call Your Partner Instead Of Texting Them


Every now and then, it’s nice to receive a phone call from your significant other to break the monotony of exchanging texts. It’s a simple, romantic gesture that demonstrates your partner’s desire to spend a few minutes of their day just hearing your voice.

A woman calling her boyfriend

Why Call Your Partner Instead Of Texting Them?

Texting can get boring really fast and it’s not a great way to convey emotions. What’s more, it’s easy to fall into the habit of sending the same text messages between you and your partner when it comes to finding out how you’re both doing and what each of you are up to when you’re apart.

Why not break the monotony of exchanging texts and give your significant other a call instead? Use this call to tell them that you wanted to hear their voice and spend a few minutes of your time talking to them. Tell your partner how much you miss them, that you are thinking about them, etc. You can also share funny things that have happened to you during the day to bring a smile to their face. It’s a thoughtful gesture they’ll appreciate. Plus, the words coming from your voice will carry much more weight for your partner than a text message.

On the other hand, make sure that your phone call doesn’t make their life more complicated than it should be, and that you don’t overdo it with the number of phone calls. You don’t want to be clingy. If they can’t take your call because they’re too busy, send a text message that simply says: “Hey! I just called because I wanted to hear your voice and let you know I’m thinking about you. It’s not urgent. Call me only when you’re free. Otherwise, I’ll see you at home! I love you!”.