Show Some Physical Affection Unexpectedly


Who doesn’t love being surprised by a hug or kiss from their partner? When done unexpectedly, this simple romantic gesture is an excellent demonstration of love and appreciation for your significant other.

A couple showing some physical affection

Why Show Physical Affection Unexpectedly?

When you show physical affection unexpectedly, it shows initiative on your part and that you sincerely love your significant other. This show of love appears genuine in your partner’s eyes because it’s done without them having to ask for it or without them having to do anything nice for you in order to get it.

There are many ways to show physical affection unexpectedly. Get some privacy with them at a party to steal a kiss, massage your partner’s shoulders when they’re working at home or give them a hug from behind when they’re cooking.

They’ll be happy to be reminded of how much you love them. However, be sure in advance that your partner will be receptive to your physical gestures and that the gestures are appropriate to the situation before doing them unexpectedly. For example, don’t kiss your partner if they are angry or stressed, duh!