Bring Home Their Favorite Guilty Pleasure


Everyone has a guilty pleasure. The key here is to find the guilty pleasure of your significant other and surprise them with it when you get home. This simple act will show your partner that you were thinking of them when you were away.

A man giving his girlfriend her guilty pleasure

Why Get Their Favorite Guilty Pleasure?

A guilty pleasure is something we enjoy but can’t afford to have frequently for a number of reasons. For example, one’s guilty pleasure, if taken frequently, could have an effect on their health, finances or life responsibilities in the long term. For this reason, every rare moment when we can afford to indulge in our favorite guilty pleasure becomes a special moment in our eyes, and one that brings us happiness. If your partner has had a stressful work week or a bad day, surprising them with their favorite guilty pleasure can be a great way to bring a smile to their face and show that you care about them. It’s a thoughtful act and one that is easy to do if you know your significant other very well. Think about things they like but that they don’t buy frequently and then buy it for them. Maybe it’s an expensive sushi meal or perhaps a sugary drink.