Serve A Delicious Breakfast In Bed For Your Partner


Breakfast in bed is a classic romantic gesture so you can’t go wrong with this idea. Your partner will really appreciate you for this time-saving gesture in the morning, especially if he or she has to go to work.

A couple eating breakfast in bed

Why a Breakfast in Bed?

People are usually very busy in the morning, especially when they have to get to work. For most, several things have to be done in a small window of time, such as eating breakfast, showering, putting on make-up, taking the dog outside, taking the kids to school, etc.

If you can choose a menu for your partner’s breakfast and prepare it as well, you’ll save them a considerable amount of time in the morning and they’ll know that you care about them, espacially if you do it even without having sex the night before. The key to serve a breakfast in bed is to prepare the breakfast before your partner wakes up and make it a surprise. You also want to be quiet when preparing it since you don’t want to ruin their mood by interrupting their sleep.

1. Prepare Breakfast

Choose a type of breakfast that your significant other will enjoy. If you can’t cook or don’t have enough time time to prepare it, then have it delivered. Before preparing breakfast, if you choose to go that route, check the day before that you have all the ingredients you need, and shop for any missing items. If you need some meal ideas, you can choose from pancakes, croissants, waffles, French toast, scrambled eggs and bacon or bagels.

You can also go a step further and prepare a popular breakfast from another country, such as quesadillas or quiche, if you want to impress your partner even more. As for the drink, you can serve your significant other coffee, juice, tea or water depending on what they like.

2. Serve Breakfast in Bed

3. Turn on Some Music

Set the perfect mood with a playlist of upbeat, relaxing music. It’s an extra touch that will make your romantic gesture even more special and help your partner start the day in a good mood.

4. Clean the Dishes

When your partner has finished eating the delicious breakfast you’ve prepared, don’t forget to take the serving tray back to the kitchen and clean up the dishes and that’s it ! Now you can be proud of yourself. You’ve just made the morning of your wonderful partner a lot better.